
Where can I purchase Spring Sheep's, sheep milk products?

Our New Zealand Grass-Fed Sheep Milk products are available in select stores. Click here to find your nearest stockist.

Why is sheep milk so good?

There are many reasons, including nutrition, gentleness, and taste! If you would like to know the general short version, click here. If you consider yourself more of a scientist, click here.

If sheep milk is so great, why am I only hearing about it now?

Sheep milk is a milk that has been around for thousands of years, very popular in Europe - particularly in France, Spain, the Netherlands and Sardinia. Most of the global sheep milk supply goes into cheese production, however, people are starting to see how its digestibility, nutrition and taste attributes make it ideal for other products.

How do you ensure the quality of your sheep milk?

From the farm through to when our products end up in your hands, we have strict processes and procedures in place to ensure that you receive the world’s most gentle milk.

How do we do this?
It all begins with being gentle on the land – sheep milking is ~30-50% more environmentally sustainable than conventional dairy. We are gentle on our animals - having an environment that is low stress for our girls (sheep) is important along with letting them frolic in the grass and feeding them only the good stuff. Happy healthy sheep make happy healthy milk.

From parlour to packaging, our sheep milk flows gently through state of the art low agitation systems and we keep our milk really cold to ensure quality. We take care of our milk every step of the way by following special procedures that exceed the industry standard.

Learn more.

Are your sheep treated with antibiotics?

Spring Sheep milk comes from our flock of grass-fed, happy sheep. Just like with our children, when our sheep are not 100% we do use modern medicine to get them happy and healthy as soon as possible and isolate them from the milking flock during this time.

Our milk is 100% free of antibiotics. You can rest easy that no antibiotics reach our milk because every batch of milk from our farms is 100% tested for antibiotics.

Can sheep milk improve my digestive wellbeing?

Some people who have trouble drinking regular cow’s milk say they experience a difference when drinking sheep milk and that it can be more comfortable to digest.

Find out more about the science that supports this.

How are Spring Sheep products different from most everyday sheep milk?

It’s about who we are, the way we do things and how we craft our products. Tell me more

What is being done to ensure the welfare of your animals?

At Spring Sheep Milk Co. one of our core values is animal health and wellness. And not just because it’s critical to our survival as a business, but because it’s the right thing to do.

Every one of our animals is precious to us. We are incredibly fortunate to have a team of very passionate and people who love working with ‘our girls’.

We believe that animal welfare is not simply the absence of negative experiences for our animals but the presence of positive experiences.

Our sheep have the freedom to roam our lush green pastures and to enjoy fresh air, warm sun and shelter when they want it.

We believe in low stress lives for our animals. We have eliminated unnecessary painful procedures, like tail removal, and we ensure noise is kept to a minimum in the milking parlour. Breeding follows a natural seasonal cycle and our sheep enjoy tight-knit family units. This suits their strong flocking instinct.

We have a dedicated team of experts that cares for all of our sheep. Our animals receive the very best veterinary support if they ever need it. We also constantly push the boundaries and challenge ourselves to find new and better ways to do things.

It is now widely accepted that good animal welfare is not simply the absence of negative experiences, but rather the presence of positive experiences.

Our animal care team witnesses all the playful affiliative behaviours and positive vocalisations associated with healthy, contented sheep.

Spring Sheep also meets the New Zealand Animal Welfare Standards.


What does Spring Sheep think about breastfeeding?

At Spring Sheep, we believe that breastfeeding is best for babies and provides the optimal balance of nutrition and protection during growth and development.

We also understand that each family is different, and however you choose to feed your baby, Spring Sheep is here to support you. In preparation for and during breastfeeding, it's important that mums must eat a healthy, balanced diet. If you're considering bottle feeding we recommend always seeking professional medical advice first.

Introducing bottle feeding either partially or exclusively may reduce the supply of your own breast milk, and it may be difficult to reverse should you change your mind. Consider the financial and social implications when deciding on a feeding method for your baby.

When using infant formula, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use carefully, as unnecessary or improper use may affect the health of your baby.

I have specific questions about your products?

Please contact Susan and she will be able to help solve your problem. Email or complete connect with us here.


我在哪里可以买到Spring Sheep绵羊奶及其产品呢?

我们的新西兰草饲绵羊奶产品在各大精品店有售。点击这里 找到离你最近的零售商。


很多方面,有营养、柔和、味道好!如果你想大致了解, 请点击这里。如果你想了解得更专业更深入,请点击这里.








Spring Sheep绵羊奶来自我们这群草饲的羊儿们。它们就像我们的孩子一样,当它们不是100%健康的时候,我们会用现代的药物让它们尽快恢复,并在这段时间内将它们与挤奶的羊群隔离。




链接到绵羊奶知识 了解更多。

Spring Sheep绵羊奶产品与大多数绵羊奶有何不同?



在Spring Sheep Milk Co.,我们的核心价值观之一是保证动物的身心健康。这对我们的企业至关重要,更因为这是正确的事情。








Spring Sheep也符合新西兰动物福祉标准。

Spring sheep对母乳喂养有什么看法?

在Spring Sheep,我们认为母乳喂养对婴儿是最好的,在生长发育过程中能提供最佳的营养和保护平衡。

我们也理解每个家庭都是不同的,不管你选择怎样喂养你的孩子,Spring Sheep都会在这里支持你。哺乳准备期和哺乳期,母亲的饮食必须健康、均衡,这一点很重要。如果您正在考虑奶粉喂养,我们建议您寻求专业的医疗建议。




请与苏珊联系,她将能够帮助你解决问题。电子邮件 更多联系方式请点击 这里.


Where can I purchase Spring Sheep's, sheep milk products?

Our New Zealand Grass-Fed Sheep Milk products are available in select stores. Click here to find your nearest stockist.

Why is sheep milk so good?

There are many reasons, including nutrition, gentleness, and taste! If you would like to know the general short version, click here. If you consider yourself more of a scientist, click here.

If sheep milk is so great, why am I only hearing about it now?

Sheep milk is a milk that has been around for thousands of years, very popular in Europe - particularly in France, Spain, the Netherlands and Sardinia. Most of the global sheep milk supply goes into cheese production, however, people are starting to see how its digestibility, nutrition and taste attributes make it ideal for other products.

How do you ensure the quality of your sheep milk?

From the farm through to when our products end up in your hands, we have strict processes and procedures in place to ensure that you receive the world’s most gentle milk.

How do we do this?
It all begins with being gentle on the land – sheep milking is ~30-50% more environmentally sustainable than conventional dairy. We are gentle on our animals - having an environment that is low stress for our girls (sheep) is important along with letting them frolic in the grass and feeding them only the good stuff. Happy healthy sheep make happy healthy milk.

From parlour to packaging, our sheep milk flows gently through state of the art low agitation systems and we keep our milk really cold to ensure quality. We take care of our milk every step of the way by following special procedures that exceed the industry standard.

Learn more.

Are your sheep treated with antibiotics?

Spring Sheep milk comes from our flock of grass-fed, happy sheep. Just like with our children, when our sheep are not 100% we do use modern medicine to get them happy and healthy as soon as possible and isolate them from the milking flock during this time.

Our milk is 100% free of antibiotics. You can rest easy that no antibiotics reach our milk because every batch of milk from our farms is 100% tested for antibiotics.

Can sheep milk improve my digestive wellbeing?

Some people who have trouble drinking regular cow’s milk say they experience a difference when drinking sheep milk and that it can be more comfortable to digest.

Find out more about the science that supports this.

How are Spring Sheep products different from most everyday sheep milk?

It’s about who we are, the way we do things and how we craft our products. Tell me more

What is being done to ensure the welfare of your animals?

At Spring Sheep Milk Co. one of our core values is animal health and wellness. And not just because it’s critical to our survival as a business, but because it’s the right thing to do.

Every one of our animals is precious to us. We are incredibly fortunate to have a team of very passionate and people who love working with ‘our girls’.

We believe that animal welfare is not simply the absence of negative experiences for our animals but the presence of positive experiences.

Our sheep have the freedom to roam our lush green pastures and to enjoy fresh air, warm sun and shelter when they want it.

We believe in low stress lives for our animals. We have eliminated unnecessary painful procedures, like tail removal, and we ensure noise is kept to a minimum in the milking parlour. Breeding follows a natural seasonal cycle and our sheep enjoy tight-knit family units. This suits their strong flocking instinct.

We have a dedicated team of experts that cares for all of our sheep. Our animals receive the very best veterinary support if they ever need it. We also constantly push the boundaries and challenge ourselves to find new and better ways to do things.

It is now widely accepted that good animal welfare is not simply the absence of negative experiences, but rather the presence of positive experiences.

Our animal care team witnesses all the playful affiliative behaviours and positive vocalisations associated with healthy, contented sheep.

Spring Sheep also meets the New Zealand Animal Welfare Standards.


What does Spring Sheep think about breastfeeding?

At Spring Sheep, we believe that breastfeeding is best for babies and provides the optimal balance of nutrition and protection during growth and development.

We also understand that each family is different, and however you choose to feed your baby, Spring Sheep is here to support you. In preparation for and during breastfeeding, it's important that mums must eat a healthy, balanced diet. If you're considering bottle feeding we recommend always seeking professional medical advice first.

Introducing bottle feeding either partially or exclusively may reduce the supply of your own breast milk, and it may be difficult to reverse should you change your mind. Consider the financial and social implications when deciding on a feeding method for your baby.

When using infant formula, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use carefully, as unnecessary or improper use may affect the health of your baby.

I have specific questions about your products?

Please contact Susan and she will be able to help solve your problem. Email or complete connect with us here.


Dimana boleh saya membeli produk susu biri-biri Spring Sheep?

Our NProduk susu biri-biri New Zealand kami boleh didapati di stor-stor tertentu. [Klik disini] (/stokis) untuk mencari stokis terdekat anda.

Kenapa susu biri-biri bagitu bagus?

Terdapat banyak sebab, termasuk pemakanan, kelembutan, dan rasa! Jika anda ingin mengetahui versi umum pendek, klik disini. Jika anda menganggap diri sebagai seorang saintis, klik disini.

Jika susu biri-biri begitu hebat, kenapa baru sekarang saya mendengarinya?

Susu biri-biri telah wujud beribu-ribu tahun yang lampau, sangat terkenal di Eropah- terutamanya di Perancis, Sepanyol Belanda dan Sardinia. Kebanyakan bekalan susu biri-biri digunakan untuk pengeluaran keju. Walaubagaimanapun, orang mula melihat ciri-ciri kebolehhadaman, pemakanan dan rasa menjadikannya sesuai untuk produk lain.

Bagaimana anda menjamin kualiti susu biri-biri anda?

Dari ladang sehingga ke produk akhir berada di tangan anda, kami mempunyai proses dan prosedur yang ketat untuk memastikan anda mendapat susu yang paling lembut di dunia.

Bagaimana kita lakukannya?
Ia bermula dengan menjaga tanah – pemerahan biri-biri adalah ~30-50% lebih lestari alam sekitar daripada tenusu konvensional. Kami menjaga biri-biri dengan baik dengan persekitaran yang tenang dan membiarkan biri-biri berkeliaran di padang rumput dan memberi mereka hanya makanan yang baik. Biri-biri yang sihat menghasilkan susu yang berkhasiat dan enak.

Dari ladang ke pembungkusan, susu biri-biri kami mengalir melalui sistem gongcangan yang rendah dan kami mengekalkan susu kami dengan suhu teramat dingin untuk menjamin kualiti. Kami menjaga susu kami pada setiap langkah dengan mengikuti prosedur khas yang melebihi standard industri.

Learn more.

Adakah biri-biri anda diberi antibiotik?

Susu Spring Sheep datang daripada kawanan biri-biri yang memakan rumput dan sihat. Seperti anak -anak kita, bila biri-biri tidak sihat, kami memberinya ubat moden untuk memulihankannya secepat mungkin dan mengasingkanya dari kawanan yang diperah pada masa berkenaan.

Susu kami 100% bebas dari antibiotik. Anda boleh bertenang kerana susu dari ladang kami bebas dari antibiotik kerana setiap kumpulan diuji 100% untuk antibiotik.

Bolehkah susu biri-biri menambahbaik penghadaman saya?

Ada setengah orang yang mengalami masalah dengan meminum susu lembu mengatakan mereka mengalami perbezaan dengan susu biri-biri dan mendapati ianya lebih mudah dihadam.

Find out more about the science that supports this.

Bagaimana produk Spring Sheep berbeza dari kebanyakan susu biri-biri harian?

Ia adalah tentang siapa kami, cara kami melakukan sesuatu dan bagaimana kami membuat produk kami. Tell me more

Apa yang telah dilakukan untuk memastikan kebajikan biri-biri anda?

Di Spring Sheep Milk Co., salah satu nilai teras adalah kesihatan biri-biri. Ini bukan kerana semata-mata ia sangat kritikal bagi perniagaan kami tetapi ia adalah perkara yang betul yang perlu dilakukan.

Setiap biri-biri adalah sangat berharga bagi kami. Kami sangat bernasib baik kami ada sepasukan yang bersemangat dan orang yang suka menjaga biri-biri kami.

Kami percaya kebajikan haiwan bukan kerana tiada pengalaman negatif bagi biri-biri kami tetapi adanya pengalaman-pengalaman positif.

Biri-biri kami bebas berkeliaran di padang rumput kami yang luas dan menikmati udara nyaman, sinaran matahari dan perlindungan jika perlu.

Kami utamakan persekitaran bertekanan rendah dalam kehidupan biri-biri kami.Kami telah menghapuskan prosedur yang tidak perlu seperti pemotongan ekor dan kami memastikan gangguan bunyi dikurangkan ke tahap minima di tempat pemerahan susu. Pembiakan mengikut kitaran semula jadi dan menikmati biri-biri kami berada dalam keluarga yang bahagia. Ini serasi dengan naluri kawanan mereka.

Kami mempunyai pasukan pakar yang berdedikasi untuk menjaga biri-biri kami. Biri-biri kami menerima sokongan veterina terbaik sekiranya perlu. Kami juga sering berusaha melebihi limit kami dan mencabar diri kami dalam mencari cara baharu dan lebih baik bagi melakukan kerja-kerja kami.

Kini ia telah diterima ramai bahawa kebajikan haiwan yang baik bukan kerana tiada pengalaman negatif tetapi adanya pengalaman-pengalaman positif.

Pasukan jagaan biri-biri kami melihat perangai riang dan bunyi girang berkaitan dengan biri-biri yang sihat dan girang.

Spring Sheep juga memenuhi standard Kebajikan Haiwan New Zealand..


Apakah pendapat Spring Sheep tentang penyusuan susu ibu?

Di Spring Sheep, kami percaya bahawa penyusuan susu ibu adalah paling bagus untuk bayi dan memberi keseimbangan optima pemakanan dan perlindungan sewaktu pertumbuhan dan pembangunan.

Kami juga memahami bahawa setiap keluarga adalah berbeza dan apa cara pun anda memilh untuk memberi makan kepada bayi, Spring Sheep sedia menyokong anda. Untuk persediaan dan waktu penyusuan susu ibu, amatlah penting bagi ibu dalam memastikan pengambilan makanan makanan yang sihat dan seimbang. Jika anda mempertimbangkan penyusuan botol, kami mengesyorkan agar selalu mendapat nasihat perubatan terlebih dahulu.

Menggunakan penyusuan botol samada sebahagian atau selengkapnya mungkin mengurangkan bekalan susu anda dan mungkin agak sukar untuk anda berbalik jika anda bertukar fikiran. Pertimbangkan implikasi kewangan dan sosial semasa membuat keputusan tentang cara memberi susu kepada bayi anda.

Apabila menggunakan rumusan bayi, selalu patuhi arahan pengeluaran daripada pengilang dengan cermat kerana penggunaan yang tak wajar mungkin boleh menjejaskan kesihatan bayi anda.

Saya ada soalan tertentu tentang produk anda?

ila hubungi Susan dan beliau dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah anda. Email or complete connect with us here.


Where can I purchase Spring Sheep's, sheep milk products?

Our New Zealand Grass-Fed Sheep Milk products are available in select stores. Click here to find your nearest stockist.

Why is sheep milk so good?

There are many reasons, including nutrition, gentleness, and taste! If you would like to know the general short version, click here. If you consider yourself more of a scientist, click here.

If sheep milk is so great, why am I only hearing about it now?

Sheep milk is a milk that has been around for thousands of years, very popular in Europe - particularly in France, Spain, the Netherlands and Sardinia. Most of the global sheep milk supply goes into cheese production, however, people are starting to see how its digestibility, nutrition and taste attributes make it ideal for other products.

How do you ensure the quality of your sheep milk?

From the farm through to when our products end up in your hands, we have strict processes and procedures in place to ensure that you receive the world’s most gentle milk.

How do we do this?
It all begins with being gentle on the land – sheep milking is ~30-50% more environmentally sustainable than conventional dairy. We are gentle on our animals - having an environment that is low stress for our girls (sheep) is important along with letting them frolic in the grass and feeding them only the good stuff. Happy healthy sheep make happy healthy milk.

From parlour to packaging, our sheep milk flows gently through state of the art low agitation systems and we keep our milk really cold to ensure quality. We take care of our milk every step of the way by following special procedures that exceed the industry standard.

Learn more.

Are your sheep treated with antibiotics?

Spring Sheep milk comes from our flock of grass-fed, happy sheep. Just like with our children, when our sheep are not 100% we do use modern medicine to get them happy and healthy as soon as possible and isolate them from the milking flock during this time.

Our milk is 100% free of antibiotics. You can rest easy that no antibiotics reach our milk because every batch of milk from our farms is 100% tested for antibiotics.

Can sheep milk improve my digestive wellbeing?

Some people who have trouble drinking regular cow’s milk say they experience a difference when drinking sheep milk and that it can be more comfortable to digest.

Find out more about the science that supports this.

How are Spring Sheep products different from most everyday sheep milk?

It’s about who we are, the way we do things and how we craft our products. Tell me more

What is being done to ensure the welfare of your animals?

At Spring Sheep Milk Co. one of our core values is animal health and wellness. And not just because it’s critical to our survival as a business, but because it’s the right thing to do.

Every one of our animals is precious to us. We are incredibly fortunate to have a team of very passionate and people who love working with ‘our girls’.

We believe that animal welfare is not simply the absence of negative experiences for our animals but the presence of positive experiences.

Our sheep have the freedom to roam our lush green pastures and to enjoy fresh air, warm sun and shelter when they want it.

We believe in low stress lives for our animals. We have eliminated unnecessary painful procedures, like tail removal, and we ensure noise is kept to a minimum in the milking parlour. Breeding follows a natural seasonal cycle and our sheep enjoy tight-knit family units. This suits their strong flocking instinct.

We have a dedicated team of experts that cares for all of our sheep. Our animals receive the very best veterinary support if they ever need it. We also constantly push the boundaries and challenge ourselves to find new and better ways to do things.

It is now widely accepted that good animal welfare is not simply the absence of negative experiences, but rather the presence of positive experiences.

Our animal care team witnesses all the playful affiliative behaviours and positive vocalisations associated with happy, contented sheep.

Spring Sheep also meets the New Zealand Animal Welfare Standards.


What does Spring Sheep think about breastfeeding?

At Spring Sheep, we believe that breastfeeding is best for babies and provides the optimal balance of nutrition and protection during growth and development.

We also understand that each family is different, and however you choose to feed your baby, Spring Sheep is here to support you. In preparation for and during breastfeeding, it's important that mums must eat a healthy, balanced diet. If you're considering bottle feeding we recommend always seeking professional medical advice first.

Introducing bottle feeding either partially or exclusively may reduce the supply of your own breast milk, and it may be difficult to reverse should you change your mind. Consider the financial and social implications when deciding on a feeding method for your baby.

When using infant formula, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use carefully, as unnecessary or improper use may affect the health of your baby.

I have specific questions about your products?

Please contact Susan and she will be able to help solve your problem. Email or complete connect with us here.


Where can I purchase Spring Sheep's, sheep milk products?

Our New Zealand Grass-Fed Sheep Milk products are available in select stores. Click here to find your nearest stockist.

Why is sheep milk so good?

There are many reasons, including nutrition, gentleness, and taste! If you would like to know the general short version, click here. If you consider yourself more of a scientist, click here.

If sheep milk is so great, why am I only hearing about it now?

Sheep milk is a milk that has been around for thousands of years, very popular in Europe - particularly in France, Spain, the Netherlands and Sardinia. Most of the global sheep milk supply goes into cheese production, however, people are starting to see how its digestibility, nutrition and taste attributes make it ideal for other products.

How do you ensure the quality of your sheep milk?

From the farm through to when our products end up in your hands, we have strict processes and procedures in place to ensure that you receive the world’s most gentle milk.

How do we do this?
It all begins with being gentle on the land – sheep milking is ~30-50% more environmentally sustainable than conventional dairy. We are gentle on our animals - having an environment that is low stress for our girls (sheep) is important along with letting them frolic in the grass and feeding them only the good stuff. Happy healthy sheep make happy healthy milk.

From parlour to packaging, our sheep milk flows gently through state of the art low agitation systems and we keep our milk really cold to ensure quality. We take care of our milk every step of the way by following special procedures that exceed the industry standard.

Learn more.

Are your sheep treated with antibiotics?

Spring Sheep milk comes from our flock of grass-fed, happy sheep. Just like with our children, when our sheep are not 100% we do use modern medicine to get them happy and healthy as soon as possible and isolate them from the milking flock during this time.

Our milk is 100% free of antibiotics. You can rest easy that no antibiotics reach our milk because every batch of milk from our farms is 100% tested for antibiotics.

Can sheep milk improve my digestive wellbeing?

Some people who have trouble drinking regular cow’s milk say they experience a difference when drinking sheep milk and that it can be more comfortable to digest.

Find out more about the science that supports this.

How are Spring Sheep products different from most everyday sheep milk?

It’s about who we are, the way we do things and how we craft our products. Tell me more

What is being done to ensure the welfare of your animals?

At Spring Sheep Milk Co. one of our core values is animal health and wellness. And not just because it’s critical to our survival as a business, but because it’s the right thing to do.

Every one of our animals is precious to us. We are incredibly fortunate to have a team of very passionate and people who love working with ‘our girls’.

We believe that animal welfare is not simply the absence of negative experiences for our animals but the presence of positive experiences.

Our sheep have the freedom to roam our lush green pastures and to enjoy fresh air, warm sun and shelter when they want it.

We believe in low stress lives for our animals. We have eliminated unnecessary painful procedures, like tail removal, and we ensure noise is kept to a minimum in the milking parlour. Breeding follows a natural seasonal cycle and our sheep enjoy tight-knit family units. This suits their strong flocking instinct.

We have a dedicated team of experts that cares for all of our sheep. Our animals receive the very best veterinary support if they ever need it. We also constantly push the boundaries and challenge ourselves to find new and better ways to do things.

It is now widely accepted that good animal welfare is not simply the absence of negative experiences, but rather the presence of positive experiences.

Our animal care team witnesses all the playful affiliative behaviours and positive vocalisations associated with happy, contented sheep.

Spring Sheep also meets the New Zealand Animal Welfare Standards.


What does Spring Sheep think about breastfeeding?

At Spring Sheep, we believe that breastfeeding is best for babies and provides the optimal balance of nutrition and protection during growth and development.

We also understand that each family is different, and however you choose to feed your baby, Spring Sheep is here to support you. In preparation for and during breastfeeding, it's important that mums must eat a healthy, balanced diet. If you're considering bottle feeding we recommend always seeking professional medical advice first.

Introducing bottle feeding either partially or exclusively may reduce the supply of your own breast milk, and it may be difficult to reverse should you change your mind. Consider the financial and social implications when deciding on a feeding method for your baby.

When using infant formula, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use carefully, as unnecessary or improper use may affect the health of your baby.

I have specific questions about your products?

Please contact Susan and she will be able to help solve your problem. Email or complete connect with us here.


我在哪里可以买到Spring Sheep绵羊奶及其产品呢?

我们的新西兰草饲绵羊奶产品在各大精品店有售。点击这里 找到离你最近的零售商。


很多方面,有营养、柔和、味道好!如果你想大致了解, 请点击这里。如果你想了解得更专业更深入,请点击这里.








Spring Sheep绵羊奶来自我们这群草饲的羊儿们。它们就像我们的孩子一样,当它们不是100%健康的时候,我们会用现代的药物让它们尽快恢复,并在这段时间内将它们与挤奶的羊群隔离。




链接到绵羊奶知识 了解更多。

Spring Sheep绵羊奶产品与大多数绵羊奶有何不同?



在Spring Sheep Milk Co.,我们的核心价值观之一是保证动物的身心健康。这对我们的企业至关重要,更因为这是正确的事情。








Spring Sheep也符合新西兰动物福祉标准。

Spring sheep对母乳喂养有什么看法?

在Spring Sheep,我们认为母乳喂养对婴儿是最好的,在生长发育过程中能提供最佳的营养和保护平衡。

我们也理解每个家庭都是不同的,不管你选择怎样喂养你的孩子,Spring Sheep都会在这里支持你。哺乳准备期和哺乳期,母亲的饮食必须健康、均衡,这一点很重要。如果您正在考虑奶粉喂养,我们建议您寻求专业的医疗建议。




请与苏珊联系,她将能够帮助你解决问题。电子邮件 更多联系方式请点击 这里.

Online Orders

Where do you deliver to?

We deliver everywhere in New Zealand, but if you live in a remote area it may take a little longer.

How long will my order take to arrive?

COVID 19 Update: Please note, there may be a slight delay in delivery times due to courier company backlogs.

We're all about efficiency and would like to get your order to you quickly. Orders will be shipped from our warehouse via standard delivery and are generally delivered in 1 to 3 working days via tracked courier. Please add 2 days for rural delivery.

What is the shipping cost?

Shipping costs are provided at checkout.

Can I amend or cancel my order?

We're pretty quick at packing your order, which means we can't make any changes once you've placed it. This includes changing the delivery option, delivery address or payment method. However, contact us at straight away and we will see what we can do.

Why haven't I received an order confirmation email?

Don't worry if you haven't received your order confirmation email straight away; there may be a slight delay and you should receive it soon. Please also check your junk mail.

If you still have not received your order confirmation email within 1hour of placing your order, please contact us:

What if I'm not home when my order arrives?

The best way to ensure a successful delivery is to provide the address that you frequent during the day. If you’re not home during the day, you can provide a work address for delivery.

I'm missing an item from my order, what should I do?

Sometimes with larger orders, we may have sent your goods in separate parcels so please check your emails to see if any of your goods will be arriving separately.

If your order has been sent in different parcels, then each delivery note will tell you the items you can expect to find inside. Please check the delivery notes from each part of your order to make sure you're not missing anything.

If a good is missing, please contact us at with the order number and the missing good's name and number. We will resolve the issue for you as quickly as we can.

I've received an incorrect or damaged good, what should I do?

In the unlikely event that this occurs, get in contact! We want to sort out any issues straight away. Just email the team at to tell us more about the situation. Please include in the email:
• The order number
• The product and description
• A description of the situation

I have further questions, who do I contact?

Please contact our friendly customer care team at with any queries about your online order.

Online Orders

Where do you deliver to?

We deliver everywhere in New Zealand but if you live in a remote area it may take a little longer.

How long will my order take to arrive?

What is the shipping cost?

Shipping costs $12 to deliver anywhere in New Zealand.

Can I amend my order?

We're pretty quick at packing your order, which means we can't make any changes once you've placed it. This includes changing the delivery option, delivery address or payment method. However, contact us at straight away and we will see what we can do.

Why haven't I received an order confirmation email?

Don't worry if you haven't received your order confirmation email straight away. There may be a slight delay and you should receive it soon. If you still have not received your order confirmation email within 1hour of placing your order, please contact us:

What if I'm not home when my order arrives?

The best way to ensure a successful delivery is to provide the address that you frequent during the day. If you’re not home during the day, you can provide a work address for delivery.

I'm missing an item from my order, what should I do?

Sometimes with larger orders, we may have sent your goods in separate parcels so please check your emails to see if any of your goods will be arriving separately.

If your order has been sent in different parcels, then each delivery note will tell you the items you can expect to find inside. Please check the delivery notes from each part of your order to make sure you're not missing anything.

If a good is missing, please contact us at with the order number and the missing good's name and number. We will resolve the issue for you as quickly as we can.

I've received an incorrect or damaged good, what should I do?

We want to sort out any issues straight away. As soon as you discover a fault, please contact us at to tell us about the damaged good. Please include in the email:
• The order number
• The damaged good’s name and description
• A description of the damage

Who do I contact if I want to return the product?

Please contact

Online Orders

Where do you deliver to?

We deliver everywhere in New Zealand but if you live in a remote area it may take a little longer.

How long will my order take to arrive?

What is the shipping cost?

Shipping costs $12 to deliver anywhere in New Zealand.

Can I amend my order?

We're pretty quick at packing your order, which means we can't make any changes once you've placed it. This includes changing the delivery option, delivery address or payment method. However, contact us at straight away and we will see what we can do.

Why haven't I received an order confirmation email?

Don't worry if you haven't received your order confirmation email straight away. There may be a slight delay and you should receive it soon. If you still have not received your order confirmation email within 1hour of placing your order, please contact us:

What if I'm not home when my order arrives?

The best way to ensure a successful delivery is to provide the address that you frequent during the day. If you’re not home during the day, you can provide a work address for delivery.

I'm missing an item from my order, what should I do?

Sometimes with larger orders, we may have sent your goods in separate parcels so please check your emails to see if any of your goods will be arriving separately.

If your order has been sent in different parcels, then each delivery note will tell you the items you can expect to find inside. Please check the delivery notes from each part of your order to make sure you're not missing anything.

If a good is missing, please contact us at with the order number and the missing good's name and number. We will resolve the issue for you as quickly as we can.

I've received an incorrect or damaged good, what should I do?

We want to sort out any issues straight away. As soon as you discover a fault, please contact us at to tell us about the damaged good. Please include in the email:
• The order number
• The damaged good’s name and description
• A description of the damage

Who do I contact if I want to return the product?

Please contact

Online Orders

Where do you deliver to?

We deliver everywhere in New Zealand but if you live in a remote area it may take a little longer.

How long will my order take to arrive?

What is the shipping cost?

Shipping costs $12 to deliver anywhere in New Zealand.

Can I amend my order?

We're pretty quick at packing your order, which means we can't make any changes once you've placed it. This includes changing the delivery option, delivery address or payment method. However, contact us at straight away and we will see what we can do.

Why haven't I received an order confirmation email?

Don't worry if you haven't received your order confirmation email straight away. There may be a slight delay and you should receive it soon. If you still have not received your order confirmation email within 1hour of placing your order, please contact us:

What if I'm not home when my order arrives?

The best way to ensure a successful delivery is to provide the address that you frequent during the day. If you’re not home during the day, you can provide a work address for delivery.

I'm missing an item from my order, what should I do?

Sometimes with larger orders, we may have sent your goods in separate parcels so please check your emails to see if any of your goods will be arriving separately.

If your order has been sent in different parcels, then each delivery note will tell you the items you can expect to find inside. Please check the delivery notes from each part of your order to make sure you're not missing anything.

If a good is missing, please contact us at with the order number and the missing good's name and number. We will resolve the issue for you as quickly as we can.

I've received an incorrect or damaged good, what should I do?

We want to sort out any issues straight away. As soon as you discover a fault, please contact us at to tell us about the damaged good. Please include in the email:
• The order number
• The damaged good’s name and description
• A description of the damage

Who do I contact if I want to return the product?

Please contact

Online Orders

Where do you deliver to?

We deliver everywhere in New Zealand but if you live in a remote area it may take a little longer.

How long will my order take to arrive?

What is the shipping cost?

Shipping costs $12 to deliver anywhere in New Zealand.

Can I amend my order?

We're pretty quick at packing your order, which means we can't make any changes once you've placed it. This includes changing the delivery option, delivery address or payment method. However, contact us at straight away and we will see what we can do.

Why haven't I received an order confirmation email?

Don't worry if you haven't received your order confirmation email straight away. There may be a slight delay and you should receive it soon. If you still have not received your order confirmation email within 1hour of placing your order, please contact us:

What if I'm not home when my order arrives?

The best way to ensure a successful delivery is to provide the address that you frequent during the day. If you’re not home during the day, you can provide a work address for delivery.

I'm missing an item from my order, what should I do?

Sometimes with larger orders, we may have sent your goods in separate parcels so please check your emails to see if any of your goods will be arriving separately.

If your order has been sent in different parcels, then each delivery note will tell you the items you can expect to find inside. Please check the delivery notes from each part of your order to make sure you're not missing anything.

If a good is missing, please contact us at with the order number and the missing good's name and number. We will resolve the issue for you as quickly as we can.

I've received an incorrect or damaged good, what should I do?

We want to sort out any issues straight away. As soon as you discover a fault, please contact us at to tell us about the damaged good. Please include in the email:
• The order number
• The damaged good’s name and description
• A description of the damage

Who do I contact if I want to return the product?

Please contact

Online Orders

Where do you deliver to?

We deliver everywhere in New Zealand but if you live in a remote area it may take a little longer.

How long will my order take to arrive?

What is the shipping cost?

Shipping costs $12 to deliver anywhere in New Zealand.

Can I amend my order?

We're pretty quick at packing your order, which means we can't make any changes once you've placed it. This includes changing the delivery option, delivery address or payment method. However, contact us at straight away and we will see what we can do.

Why haven't I received an order confirmation email?

Don't worry if you haven't received your order confirmation email straight away. There may be a slight delay and you should receive it soon. If you still have not received your order confirmation email within 1hour of placing your order, please contact us:

What if I'm not home when my order arrives?

The best way to ensure a successful delivery is to provide the address that you frequent during the day. If you’re not home during the day, you can provide a work address for delivery.

I'm missing an item from my order, what should I do?

Sometimes with larger orders, we may have sent your goods in separate parcels so please check your emails to see if any of your goods will be arriving separately.

If your order has been sent in different parcels, then each delivery note will tell you the items you can expect to find inside. Please check the delivery notes from each part of your order to make sure you're not missing anything.

If a good is missing, please contact us at with the order number and the missing good's name and number. We will resolve the issue for you as quickly as we can.

I've received an incorrect or damaged good, what should I do?

We want to sort out any issues straight away. As soon as you discover a fault, please contact us at to tell us about the damaged good. Please include in the email:
• The order number
• The damaged good’s name and description
• A description of the damage

Who do I contact if I want to return the product?

Please contact