Sheep milk is a traditional milk with many modern-life advantages.

Sheep milk is a traditional milk with many modern-life advantages.

People have been milking sheep in many parts of the world for thousands of years, and it is now experiencing a strong resurgence in popularity, as consumer needs and preferences evolve.

Sheep milk offers some important benefits that goat or cow’s milk lacks (even A2-type milk). For this reason, the global production of sheep milk continues to increase as people experience the gentle digestion and nutritional benefits of alternative milks.

As well as superior nutrition, the environmental advantages of New Zealand sheep dairying vs. traditional dairying are now much better understood, and these sustainable options are rapidly gaining traction.




Sheep milk is a traditional milk that’s gentle to digest with many modern-life advantages.

Sheep milk is a traditional milk that’s gentle to digest with many modern-life advantages.

People have been milking sheep in many parts of the world for thousands of years, and it is now experiencing a strong resurgence in popularity, as consumer needs and preferences evolve.

Sheep milk offers some important benefits that goat or cow’s milk lacks (even A2 milk). For this reason, the global production of sheep milk continues to increase as people experience the gentle digestion and nutritional benefits of alternative milks.

As well as superior nutrition, the environmental advantages of New Zealand sheep dairying vs. traditional dairying are now much better understood, and these sustainable options are rapidly gaining traction.
Susu biri-biri adalah susu tradisional yang mudah dihadam dengan pelbagai kelebihan untuk kehidupan moden.

Susu biri-biri adalah susu tradisional yang mudah dihadam dengan pelbagai kelebihan untuk kehidupan moden.

Sejak beribu -ribu tahun yang lampau, manusia telah memerah susu biri-biri di merata-rata tempat. Kini, ia menerima sambutan yang hebat tatkala keperluan dan pilihan pengguna berubah.

Susu biri-biri menawarkan faedah-faedah penting yang tidak terdapat dalam susu kambing atau lembu (mahupun susu A2). Oleh yang demikian, pengeluaran global susu biri-biri kian meningkat tatkala manusia menikmati faedah khasiat dan penghadaman mudah sebagai susu alternatif.

Disamping pemakanan yang bagus, kelebihan alam sekitar di New Zealand memberi manfaat kepada tenusu biri-biri jika dibandingkan dengan tenusu tradisional dan kini, ia lebih difahami dan menjadi pilihan kelestarian ini dengan cepat mendapat perhatian
Sheep milk is a traditional milk that’s gentle to digest with many modern-life advantages.

Sheep milk is a traditional milk that’s gentle to digest with many modern-life advantages.

People have been milking sheep in many parts of the world for thousands of years, and it is now experiencing a strong resurgence in popularity, as consumer needs and preferences evolve.

Sheep milk offers some important benefits that goat or cow’s milk lacks (even A2 milk). For this reason, the global production of sheep milk continues to increase as people experience the gentle digestion and nutritional benefits of alternative milks.

As well as superior nutrition, the environmental advantages of New Zealand sheep dairying vs. traditional dairying are now much better understood, and more these sustainable options are rapidly gaining traction.
Sheep milk is a traditional milk that’s gentle to digest with many modern-life advantages.

Sheep milk is a traditional milk that’s gentle to digest with many modern-life advantages.

People have been milking sheep in many parts of the world for thousands of years, and it is now experiencing a strong resurgence in popularity, as consumer needs and preferences evolve.

Sheep milk offers some important benefits that goat or cow’s milk lacks (even A2 milk). For this reason, the global production of sheep milk continues to increase as people experience the gentle digestion and nutritional benefits of alternative milks.

As well as superior nutrition, the environmental advantages of New Zealand sheep dairying vs. traditional dairying are now much better understood, and more these sustainable options are rapidly gaining traction.





Learn more about the benefits of sheep milk with Performance Nutritionist, health/fitness expert, and mum of two, Lee-Anne Wann.

新西兰专业功能营养师Lee-Anne Wann,她同时也是健康/健身专家,两个孩子的妈妈,向您介绍更多关于绵羊奶的益处

Learn more about the benefits of sheep milk with Performance Nutritionist, health/fitness expert, and mum of two, Lee-Anne Wann.

Pelajari faedah susu biri-biri dengan pakar pemakanan/kesihatan/kecergasan dan juga merupakan seorang ibu kepada dua anak, Lee-Anne Wann.

Learn more about the benefits of sheep milk with Performance Nutritionist, health/fitness expert, and mum of two, Lee-Anne Wann.

Learn more about the benefits of sheep milk with Performance Nutritionist, health/fitness expert, and mum of two, Lee-Anne Wann.

The many benefits of New Zealand Sheep Milk

What makes sheep milk truly unique and precious?



The many benefits of New Zealand sheep milk

What makes sheep milk truly unique and precious?

Pelbagai faedah susu biri-biri New Zealand

Apakah yang menjadikan susu biri-biri benar-benar unik dan berharga?

The many benefits of New Zealand sheep milk

What makes sheep milk truly unique and precious?

The many benefits of New Zealand sheep milk

What makes sheep milk truly unique and precious?


Less likely to trigger sensitivities and stomach or digestion intolerances

Less likely to trigger sensitivities and stomach or digestion intolerances

Studies suggest sheep milk may be a very good alternative for those who struggle with the digestion of cow’s milk or experience an upset stomach after drinking milk.

Proteins in sheep milk are very different to those in cow’s milk, in both structure and composition. Sheep milk is lower in a protein called alpha-S1 Casein which has been linked to allergic sensitisation in young children.



绵羊奶中的蛋白质与牛奶中的蛋白质在结构和组成上都有很大的不同。绵羊奶中一种叫做α- s1酪蛋白(A1)的蛋白质含量较低,这种蛋白质容易引起儿童过敏反应。
Less likely to trigger sensitivities and stomach or digestion intolerances

Less likely to trigger sensitivities and stomach or digestion intolerances

Studies suggest sheep milk may be a very good alternative for those who struggle with the digestion of cow’s milk or experience an upset stomach after drinking milk.

Proteins in sheep milk are very different to those in cow’s milk, in both structure and composition. Sheep milk is lower in a protein called alpha-S1 Casein which has been linked to allergic sensitisation in young children.
Kurang berkemungkinan rendah dalam mencetus sensitiviti dan masalah perut atau penghadaman

Kurang berkemungkinan rendah dalam mencetus sensitiviti dan masalah perut atau penghadaman

Kajian mencadangkan susu biri-biri mungkin adalah pilihan alternatif bagi mereka yang mengalami masalah penghadaman susu lembu atau sakit perut setelah meminum susu.

Protein dalam susu biri-biri sangatlah berbeza dengan susu lembu dari segi struktur dan komposisinya. Susu biri-biri kurang mengandungi kurang protein alpha-S1 Casein yang dikaitkan dengan kepekaan alahan dalam kalangan kanak-kanak.
Less likely to trigger sensitivities and stomach or digestion intolerances

Less likely to trigger sensitivities and stomach or digestion intolerances

Studies suggest sheep milk may be a very good alternative for those who struggle with the digestion of cow’s milk or experience an upset stomach after drinking milk.

Proteins in sheep milk are very different to those in cow’s milk, in both structure and composition. Sheep milk is lower in a protein called alpha-S1 Casein which has been linked to allergic sensitisation in young children.
Less likely to trigger sensitivities and stomach or digestion intolerances

Less likely to trigger sensitivities and stomach or digestion intolerances

Studies suggest sheep milk may be a very good alternative for those who struggle with the digestion of cow’s milk or experience an upset stomach after drinking milk.

Proteins in sheep milk are very different to those in cow’s milk, in both structure and composition. Sheep milk is lower in a protein called alpha-S1 Casein which has been linked to allergic sensitisation in young children.


Sheep Milk is easier to absorb

Sheep Milk is easier to absorb

The absorption of important nutrients like amino acids, the body’s building blocks is significantly higher in sheep milk than cow milk.


Sheep Milk is easier to absorb

Sheep Milk is easier to absorb

The absorption of important nutrients like amino acids, the body’s building blocks is significantly higher in sheep milk than cow milk.
Susu biri-biri mudah diserap

Susu biri-biri mudah diserap

Penyerapan nutrien penting seperti asid amino jauh lebih tinggi bagi susu biri-biri daripada susu lembu.
Sheep Milk is easier to absorb

Sheep Milk is easier to absorb

The absorption of important nutrients like amino acids, the body’s building blocks is significantly higher in sheep milk than cow milk.
Sheep Milk is easier to absorb

Sheep Milk is easier to absorb

The absorption of important nutrients like amino acids, the body’s building blocks is significantly higher in sheep milk than cow milk.


The easier to digest milk – naturally.

The easier to digest milk – naturally.

Sheep milk is naturally an A2-type milk, free from A1 beta-casein protein found in most cow milk which has been associated with digestive discomfort such as painful cramps and bloating. 

Sheep milk is also higher in short to medium chain fatty acids, which means these fats maybe easier to digest due to more efficient metabolism.


绵羊奶是一种天然的A2型奶源,不含A1 -酪蛋白,而A1 -酪蛋白存在于大多数牛奶中,与疼痛性痉挛和腹胀等消化不良有关。

The easier to digest milk – naturally.

The easier to digest milk – naturally.

Sheep milk is naturally an A2-type milk, free from A1 beta-casein protein found in most cow milk which has been associated with digestive discomfort such as painful cramps and bloating. 

Sheep milk is also higher in short to medium chain fatty acids, which means these fats maybe easier to digest due to more efficient metabolism.
Susu yang mudah dihadam – secara semula jadi

Susu yang mudah dihadam – secara semula jadi

Susu biri-biri adalah secara semulajadi susu jenis A2, bebas daripada A1 beta-casein protein yang terdapat dalam kebanyakan susu lembu yang dikaitkan dengan ketidakselesaan penghadaman seperti kesakitan kekejangan dan kembung perut.

Susu biri-biri juga mengandungi rantai asid lemak pendek dan sederhana dalam jumlah yang tinggi. Ini bermakna lemak ini mungkin lebih mudah di hadam disebabkan metabolismanya yang lebih efisien.
The easier to digest milk – naturally.

The easier to digest milk – naturally.

Sheep milk is naturally an A2-type milk, free from A1 beta-casein protein found in most cow milk which has been associated with digestive discomfort such as painful cramps and bloating. 

Sheep milk is also higher in short to medium chain fatty acids, which means these fats may be easier to digest due to more efficient metabolism.
The easier to digest milk – naturally.

The easier to digest milk – naturally.

Sheep milk is naturally an A2-type milk, free from A1 beta-casein protein found in most cow milk which has been associated with digestive discomfort such as painful cramps and bloating. 

Sheep milk is also higher in short to medium chain fatty acids, which means these fats may be easier to digest due to more efficient metabolism.
Our Milk is naturally richer in many vitamins and minerals

Our Milk is naturally richer in many vitamins and minerals

Fresh sheep milk has higher levels of vitamins - A, B₁, B₂, B₆, B₁₂, C, E and minerals – Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Zinc than cow and goat milk.


新鲜绵羊奶与牛奶和山羊奶相比,含有更多的维生素B₁,₂B, B₆, B₁₂, C, E和矿物质---钙、镁、磷、锌等。
Our Milk is naturally richer in many vitamins and minerals

Our Milk is naturally richer in many vitamins and minerals

Fresh sheep milk has higher levels of vitamins - A, B₁, B₂, B₆, B₁₂, C, E and minerals – Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Zinc than cow and goat milk.
Susu kami secara semula jadi lebih kaya dengan vitamin dan mineral

Susu kami secara semula jadi lebih kaya dengan vitamin dan mineral

Susu biri-biri segar mempunyai lebih tinggi tahap vitamin - A, B₁, B₂, B₆, B₁₂, C, E dan mineral – Kalsium, Magnesium, Fosforus, Zink daripada susu lembu dan kambing.
Our Milk is naturally richer in many vitamins and minerals

Our Milk is naturally richer in many vitamins and minerals

Fresh sheep milk has higher levels of vitamins - A, B₁, B₂, B₆, B₁₂, C, E and minerals – Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Zinc than cow and goat milk.
Our Milk is naturally richer in many vitamins and minerals

Our Milk is naturally richer in many vitamins and minerals

Fresh sheep milk has higher levels of vitamins - A, B₁, B₂, B₆, B₁₂, C, E and minerals – Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Zinc than cow and goat milk.


More calcium and protein than cow’s and goat’s milk

More calcium and protein than cow’s and goat’s milk

Sheep milk naturally contains up to 60% more protein and calcium when compared to goat and cow milk.


More calcium and protein than cow’s and goat’s milk

More calcium and protein than cow’s and goat’s milk

Sheep milk naturally contains up to 60% more protein and calcium when compared to goat and cow milk.
Lebih kalsium dan protein berbanding susu lembu dan kambing

Lebih kalsium dan protein berbanding susu lembu dan kambing

Susu biri-biri secara semula jadi mengandungi sehingga 60% lebih protein dan kalsium jika dibandingkan dengan susu kambing dan lembu.
More calcium and protein than cow’s and goat’s milk

More calcium and protein than cow’s and goat’s milk

Sheep milk naturally contains up to 60% more protein and calcium when compared to goat and cow milk.
More calcium and protein than cow’s and goat’s milk

More calcium and protein than cow’s and goat’s milk

Sheep milk naturally contains up to 60% more protein and calcium when compared to goat and cow milk.


Sheep Milk is a complete protein source

Sheep Milk is a complete protein source

Sheep milk is what is known as a ‘complete protein’ source, this means it contains all 10 essential amino acids. They are essential because the body cannot make them itself and must be consumed in one’s diet.


Sheep Milk is a complete protein source

Sheep Milk is a complete protein source

Sheep milk is what is known as a ‘complete protein’ source, this means it contains all 10 essential amino acids. They are essential because the body cannot make them itself and must be consumed in one’s diet.
Susu biri-biri adalah sumber protein yang lengkap

Susu biri-biri adalah sumber protein yang lengkap

Susu biri-biri dikenali sebagai sumber protein yang lengkap, ini bermakna ia mengandungi kesemua 10 asid amino penting. Kesemua ini diperlukan kerana badan tidak boleh menghasilkanya, maka ia mesti diperolehi daripada pemakanan kita.
Sheep Milk is a complete protein source

Sheep Milk is a complete protein source

Sheep milk is what is known as a ‘complete protein’ source, this means it contains all 10 essential amino acids. They are essential because the body cannot make them itself and must be consumed in one’s diet.
Sheep Milk is a complete protein source

Sheep Milk is a complete protein source

Sheep milk is what is known as a ‘complete protein’ source, this means it contains all 10 essential amino acids. They are essential because the body cannot make them itself and must be consumed in one’s diet.


Sheep milk science

Sheep milk science

Want to find out more about the science behind sheep milk? Have your questions answered in greater detail.
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Sheep milk science

Sheep milk science

Want to find out more about the science behind sheep milk? Have your questions answered in greater detail.
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Pengetahuan Sains mengenai susu biri-biri

Pengetahuan Sains mengenai susu biri-biri

Mahu mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang pengetahuan sains mengenai susu biri-biri? Kemukakan soalan anda untuk dijawab dengan lebih terperinci.
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Sheep milk science

Sheep milk science

Want to find out more about the science behind sheep milk? Have your questions answered in greater detail.
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Sheep milk science

Sheep milk science

Want to find out more about the science behind sheep milk? Have your questions answered in greater detail.
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